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Oct 16, 2008

Amazon: Handy Guide for Beggars, Especially Those of the Poetic Fraternity (Paperbound)

A Handy Guide for Beggars, Especially Those of the Poetic Fraternity, by Vachel Lindsay.

True story.  In 1906, young poet Vachel Lindsay wanders through a dozen states, with no money and no baggage, staying with random strangers, reciting poetry and teaching "The Gospel of Beauty."  So, what do you suppose that was like?  Wonder why this book was popular in the 1960s & '70s?

Part 1.7 -- "The Old Lady at the Top of the Hill."

Music by Kevin MacLeod.

Jen from Inside My Head
almost fifteen years ago

I like this old lady in the story!

When I used to work retail, some of the older people would ask me that same question : \"Do you know how old I am?\" The answer was always at least 90. Amazing.

Grizzly Smith
almost fifteen years ago

Wish I could have done better on her voice. I could hear it in my head, but couldn\'t quite recreate it. One of my favorite characters ... but they all are, in different ways.