I get all arrogant and start acting like I know better than most
Part 1 --
Minor International Celebrity
I appeared on two Public Relations podcasts this week: Recorded a
Rejoiner for the "Inside PR"
podcast, and with a call-in on "For Immediate
Release." Cool, huh?
From The Funny Music
Project: "Stupid As Charged,"
by Carrie Dahlby, featuring the inimitable Devo Spice.
Part 3 -- Tag
My take on the past use on Twitter of the #LRNY hashtag promotion
by Land
Rover, and future use of #SYFY by the SciFi channel -- the latter being
my idea. As far as you know.
A personal journal with a few audio book reviews and some music from my "It Doesn't Suck" music list. "Hiber-Nation" is stories I read, because I like to read stories. That's all.